Guidelines for Visitors

Please do not visit if you have:
- a cough, sore throat, runny nose or fever
- a rash or weeping cold sores
- diarrhea
- pink eye
- measles or mumps
- chicken pox
- flu-like symptoms or vomiting
If a family member or guest has been exposed to chicken pox, mumps, measles, whooping cough or any other childhood illness within the last 14 days, please refrain from visiting the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Visiting Guidelines
- No food or drinks permitted, besides a sealed water bottle.
- Please wash hands or use the hand sanitizing gel before entering and leaving.
- Limit visitors to two at a time.
- Parents are NOT considered visitors and are welcome at any time.
- Visitors must be accompanied by a parent, unless previously indicated in writing by the parent(s).
- Siblings are welcome at all times when accompanied and supervised by a parent, as long as the siblings have been fully immunized (see restrictions above).
- Children under the age 18 (other than siblings) may not visit the NICU.
- At any time, visiting may be restricted to protect the privacy or safety of other patients.