Infection Control
Reducing Risk of Infections
The purpose of the Infection Control Service is to reduce the risk of infections and related adverse events among patients, staff, visitors and other hospital users.
Our goals are to:
- Provide an effective surveillance program through the systematic collection and statistical analyses of targeted hospital acquired infections.
- Provide formal and informal education on the principles and practices of Infection Prevention and Control to all hospital users.
- Translate federal and provincial infection control guidelines into practices for the front line professionals.
- Provide internal and external consultation on matters relating to the prevention and control of infections.
- Maintain liaison with public health, the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and allied professionals.
- Adhere to accreditation standards.
How do we keep our patients safe in hospital?
- Point of Care Risk Assessment – Each time a staff member visits you or your loved one, they will determine which personal protective equipment (PPE) to wear, based on the type of interaction.
- Hand Hygiene – Staff and visitors are required to clean their hands with either alcohol based hand rub or soap and water, before entering and leaving each patient room.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Signs are posted on (or beside) each patient room indicating which PPE must be used when entering the patient room.
- Environmental Controls – There are many controls in place to ensure your safety. These include: cleaning shared equipment between uses, appropriate placement of patients based on risk screening, and ensuring appropriate barriers are in place.
- Administrative Controls – Policies and procedures, auditing of compliance with practices, vaccine compliance
Infection Control Service
Phone: 519-631-2030 Ext. 2021