What to do if you are in Labour

If you think you are in labour, if your water breaks or if you have any concerns, please contact your health care provider or call the labour triage phone line at 519-631-2020, Ext. 2210.
Most women will come to the hospital when they are in active labour (regular contractions every 5 minutes or closer for at least 2 hours) or when their water breaks. To find out more about how you will know if you are in labour, you should speak with your health care provider.
When You Arrive
When you arrive at the hospital, go directly to the Women & Children's Unit - Labour and Delivery Triage:
- Park in the East parking lot (P1), and enter through the East entrance
- If after hours, please use the North/Emergency entrance
- Proceed to the third floor in the Main building
- Check in at the glass desk to your left
- Have your health card available for registration. Once registered, you can get settled in the triage room where you will meet your triage nurse.
Once in triage, you will be met by one of our triage nurses. She will ask you questions about your labour, general health and medical history. As well, the nurse will check your vital signs and contractions and listen to the baby’s heart rate. The nurse or obstetrician will do a quick history and physical to decide if you are ready for admission to the labour unit. You will be transferred to a labour/birthing room once you are in established active labour. If you are in early labour, you may be asked to go home for a time.
Booked Induction or Caesarean Birth
If you are coming to the hospital for a booked induction or booked caesarean birth, go directly to the main desk in the Women and Children’s Unit, located on the third floor in the Main building (as directed above). One of our staff will direct you to your room from there.
In both cases, ensure you have your Health Card and your private health insurance card (if applicable) with you.