Transportation Home

Plan Ahead
When it is time for you to leave the hospital it is the responsibility of you and/or your family to make sure transportation arrangements have been made. If you've had general anesthesia or procedural sedation, you must have a family member or friend available to drive you home. A taxi is not an approved method of transportation following surgery. If you have questions, please speak with your care team.
Frequently asked transportation questions:
If I have a scheduled appointment not related to my hospital care, will I be able to go? What about transportation? You will need to talk to your care team to find out if you are well enough to go to your appointment. If you are well enough, you will need to make your own travel arrangements.
What if I have no money with me? Most providers will accept cash, credit card or debit. Please plan ahead by having a credit or debit card number available when you book the transportation.
If I am being transferred to another hospital will I have to arrange and pay for my transportation? No. This transportation will be arranged by the hospital.
Can I use an ambulance to return home? No. Ambulances are used to respond to emergencies and to transfer people who are critically ill.