Your Pre-Admit Appointment
Please note: Not all patients require a pre-admission appointment. Your surgeon will let you know if the appointment is required.
When you arrive at STEGH for your Pre-Admission Appointment, you will register in Ambulatory Care. Ambulatory Care is located in the South Building. Park in the South Parking Lot (P2) and follow the signs.
Tips for your Pre-Admit Appointment:
- Take your regular medications and eat your meals as usual.
- Plan to be at STEGH for approximately 1 to 4 hours, depending on your health and on the operation you are having. Please try not to book other appointments on the same day.
- STEGH is a scent-free environment, so please do not wear any scented products. This includes aftershave and scented deodorant.
- Do not wear tights, pantyhose or long underwear for your Pre-Admission Appointment.
Helpful hints for your Pre-Admission Telephone Interview:
- Allow approximately 30 to 45 minutes for the telephone interview
- Have your health card available and all medication bottles (including over the counter drugs and herbal remedies that you are currently taking)
- Conduct the interview in a quiet area free from distractions
- Do not use your cell phone if driving
- Have a pen and paper handy to jot down additional information you might need
- Be available at the scheduled time; if not, please call 519-631-2030, extension 2351 to rebook your appointment
Why do you need a Pre-Admission Appointment?
- To help you get ready for your operation.
- To talk about your hospital stay.
- To learn about what to expect when you go home.
- The health care team will need to know about your current and past health, your previous operations, and your medications and allergies (including drug, food and environmental allergies). You may be asked about specific allergies to tape, metal and latex.
- To answer your questions and address your concerns.
How do you make a Pre-Admission Appointment?
A physician referral is required for a Pre-Admission Appointment. You may be instructed to attend the Pre Admission Clinic for your visit or have a telephone interview arranged with the Pre Admission Nurse. To make, change, or cancel your appointment, please call: STEGH Pre-Admit Clinic: 519-631-2030 Ext. 2351 between 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
What will happen during your Pre-Admission appointment?
At your Pre-Admission Appointment, you will meet with a Registered Practical Nurse.
You may have blood work, urine specimen, an electrocardiogram (ECG), E-rays, and other tests.
You will be given preoperative and postoperative information about your surgery, which will be a guide for you before and after your hospital stay.
What should you bring to your Pre-Admission Clinic appointment?
- A family member or friend if possible
- Reading glasses and/or hearing aids
- Health card
- Supplemental health insurance information
- Money for parking ($5.00 flat rate)
- Lunch/snacks or money to purchase from the Atrium Café
- All of your medications, patches, inhalers, drops, and ointments in their original containers
- All vitamins, herbal remedies and over-the-counter drugs
- The name of your pharmacy
- Your family doctor’s and specialist’s name and phone number
- Information or test results that your doctor has given to you
What should you expect on the days before your surgery?
Some patients will be given special instructions to prepare for their surgery. These will be discussed and written down for you at the time of your Pre-Admission Appointment. You will also be given a contact number by your nurse for any “before surgery” concerns.
Special instructions may include:
- bowel cleansing (laxatives and enemas)
- changing, adding or stop taking certain medications
- special skin washes
- changes in diet
On occasion, some patients need to return to the Pre-Admit Clinic for further testing and/or assessments before being cleared for surgery. You may be required to purchase medical devices such as TED anti-embolism stockings (to prevent blood clots postoperatively), crutches, braces, etc. These may be purchased on the day of surgery at the hospital. These may be covered by any secondary health insurances.