Introduction to 2Main

Introduction to 2Main

Welcome to 2Main

2Main is an acute medicine unit located in the Main building on the second floor. Click here to review our Patient & Family Information Guide. In this Guide, you will find information about:

  • what to bring with you to the hospital
  • discharge planning and transfer of care
  • visiting guidelines and hospital entry
  • parking
  • keeping you safe and protecting your privacy
  • and much more!

Visiting a Patient

We believe that it is important for patients to experience the support of family and friends. We are committed to treating each patient as an individual with unique needs. Patients and families are welcomed as essential members of the health care team. Visiting is based on the condition, care needs, and expressed wishes of each patient, and may vary from one day to the next as the patient's condition changes/improves.

Visiting Guidelines:

  • Up to two (2) visitors at the bedside at a time
  • Visiting between 12 noon and 8 PM
  • Children under 12 years of age are permitted to visit in consultation with the care team.

Click here to learn more about our visiting guidelines. If you would like to request a visit outside of these hours, please speak with the health care team.

Important reminders:

  • Do not visit if you are ill or have been in contact with a person with a contagious illness (e.g. respiratory illness with fever, colds, chicken pox, flu)
  • Help us maintain a Scent Free environment. Please do not bring strongly scented flowers (i.e. Easter lilies) or use heavily scented body products (e.g. perfumes, lotion) when visiting.
  • The hospital is a Smoke Free Environment. Anyone wishing to smoke will be required to leave hospital property. The property line is defined as city maintained sidewalks or beyond the tree line should there be no sidewalk. Patients requiring assistance to leave the property to smoke will require a family member to assist them.