Programs and Services
Inpatient and Outpatient Mental Health Care Services
STEGH’s program involves both assessment and treatment for adults 18 and older.
The inpatient unit is a 15-bed ward staffed by a multidisciplinary team of Psychiatrists, Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, an Occupational Therapist, a Social Worker, a Recreational Therapist and Support Staff, all working together to ensure the best possible mental health care. The Unit is recovery-oriented and provides short-term acute care.
The outpatient service is a multidisciplinary unit staffed by Psychiatrists, Social Workers and Registered Nurses, and Support Staff. We provide time-limited outpatient support to people suffering from Acute Mental Health concerns. Individual and group counseling promotes stabilization and treatment, including skill acquisition to address common mental health challenges. Services are available to individuals who are registered patients of the outpatient psychiatry department. Most fees covered by OHIP.
The mental health care unit is located on the Third floor North Building.
Click here to view the referral criteria for outpatient mental health services.
Click here to download the referral form.
PHONE: (519) 637-0511
FAX: (519) 631-6497