Elgin Geriatric Services

Elgin Geriatric Services
Elgin Geriatric Services connects patients with the care they need, where they need it. It is the main access point for residents in Elgin County to access geriatric services. The team consists of nurses, doctors, and other health care providers who specialize in the care of older adults. This team helps navigate geriatric services, resulting in a seamless experience for patients and caregivers.

How do you connect with Elgin Geriatric Services?

A referral may be required from a physician or nurse practitioner. Please see below for more information about how to refer. When a referral is received, it is reviewed by the team to determine which services are required.
Services may include:
  • Geriatric Resource Nurse (in consultation with a Geriatrician)
  • Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Outreach Team
  • Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Transition Support
  • Geriatric Psychiatry
  • The Elgin Memory Clinic
  • Alzheimer Society
The service(s) contact the patient directly to discuss what they can offer and book an appointment. The referring physician receives follow up about their patient to assist in managing their ongoing care.
Elgin Geriatric Services works in partnership with the Geriatric Ambulatory Access Team (GAAT) at St. Joseph’s Health Care in London. If a patient requires a geriatric service that is not available in Elgin County, the referral will automatically be forwarded by Elgin Geriatric Services to GAAT. They will contact the patient directly.

e-Referral (OCEAN)

The Mental Health Outpatient Department and Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Program at STEGH are pleased to accept eReferrals from our providers through the OCEAN eReferral platform.  To align with the direction of the province (patients before paper) to enhance patient access to care, reduce errors, and paper usage associated with faxed referrals, we strongly encourage our providers to utilize the OCEAN platform.

Send an e-Referral using the local health service directory OceanHealthMap.ca. MHOP is listed as St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Outpatient Mental Health Services. Elgin Geriatric Services (BSO) is listed as Elgin Geriatric Services. Once you click on the service you want, the option to create a new referral is at the bottom of the location and services description.

Elgin Geriatric Services has partnered with Partnering for Quality at Ontario Health West, and the referral form has been digitized for Electronic Medical Record (EMR) use (Telus, PS Suite, QHR Accuro, and fillable PDF). This form can be found at EMR Resource and typing “Elgin Geriatric Services” in the search field. If you have questions about how to locate the form or how to upload/download into your EMR, contact info@partneringforquality.ca.

Paper Referral

Elgin Geriatric Services Referral Form (for Physicians and Nurse Practitioners ONLY)
Click here to download the referral form.
Fax completed form to: 519.907.0313

Contact Information

Elgin Geriatric Services
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8 AM to 4 PM
P: 519.631.2030, extension 5025
F: 519.907.0313