Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Patients in the ICU are cared for by a team of clinicians who specialize in Critical Care. This includes a team of ICU physicians (intensivists) who rotate through the unit once a week. The intensivist is the doctor who oversees the care of all patients in the ICU. There are five Intensivists at STEGH:

Dr. Phil Andros

Dr. Phil Andros
Medical Director, ICU

Dr. Waleed Chehadi

Dr. Waleed Chehadi

Dr. Martin Cieslak

Dr. Martin Cieslak

Dr. Mason Curtis

Dr. Mason Curtis

Dr. Fahad Sheikh

Dr. Fahad Sheikh

Dr. Leah Nicoletti

Dr. Leah Nicoletti

Other members of the team include:

  • Mike Cullen, Manager - ICU
  • Dan Cecchetto, Team Lead - ICU
  • Critical Care Trained Nurses
  • Registered Respiratory Therapists
  • Dietitian
  • Physiotherapist
  • Pharmacist
  • Social Worker
  • Spiritual Care
  • Unit Clerks
  • Speech Language Pathologists