On December 11, 2008, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) released the 2007-08 Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) results for eligible hospitals, Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and Regional Health Authorities across Canada (excluding Quebec). Eligible hospitals are those that meet a statistical threshold for public reporting of at least 2,500 HSMR cases in each of the four years being reported.
CIHI does not release results for hospitals, like ours, with less than 2,500 HSMR cases annually because they have deemed the results statistically less stable and, therefore, less reliable.
What is HSMR: An HSMR ratio is a mathematical calculation. A ratio that is equal to 100 suggests that there is no difference between the hospital’s mortality rate and the average national rate. A ratio greater than 100 suggests that the hospital’s mortality rate is higher than the average national rate. A ratio less than 100 suggests that hospital’s mortality rate is lower than the average national rate.
Our hospital strongly supports the provincial government’s public reporting regime because we believe it will inspire improved performance, enhance patient safety, and strengthen the public’s confidence in Ontario’s hospitals.
For more information visit:
Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Canadian Institute for Health Information