Published On: June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019 (St. Thomas, ON) – St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital is pleased to unveil its new Strategic Plan, a road map for the next four years, which will guide the organization’s work to improve health care for patients and the community.
“Ontario’s health care system is in the midst of transformative change that is focused on meeting the needs of an aging, and increasingly complex, population,” says Robert Biron, President and CEO at STEGH. “I am excited to share the details of our new Strategic Plan, which builds on the incredible work that has been achieved to date, and positions STEGH for the opportunities that lie ahead to further improve health services for our community.”
When launching the planning exercise in June 2018, the Board of Directors conveyed its expectation to consult with the hospital’s key stakeholders to receive their feedback and ideas. The consultation process was broader than ever before. Through round table sessions and on-line surveys, more than 1,000 internal and external stakeholders across St. Thomas and Elgin County offered their thoughts on what the future of health care should look like at STEGH.
Biron unveiled the new Plan to staff, physicians and volunteers at a launch event last week. The Plan is focused on four Strategic Directions, or themes, that will shape the organization in the coming years to better serve the community, enhance its performance and address current health system challenges. The Strategic Directions are as follows: partnering with patients; creating collaborative networks; empowering our team; and, achieving operational excellence.
The Strategic Plan is guided by a new Mission statement, a Shared Vision and a strong, redefined set of core Values. The Mission statement is three powerful words that strike at the heart of STEGH’s core purpose – Caring. Healing. Connecting. “Our new mission is lived every day at STEGH through our health care teams who are committed to delivering outstanding patient experiences and quality care,” says Cathy Crane, Chair, Board of Directors.
The Shared Vision statement – Together, creating health care excellence for our community – conveys the collective desire of stakeholders to see STEGH participate in transformational change to improve our local health care system and doing so in a manner that instills collaboration.
The process to renew STEGH’s core Values was led by nine Values Ambassadors – front-line staff representing a range of roles and departments. Their process involved many hours of face-to-face consultations, surveys, forums and more, to inform the creation of meaningful and relevant values and definitions that will guide STEGH in the years to come. STEGH’s core values are: Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Innovation and Collaboration.
STEGH Board of Directors extends its appreciation to the hundreds of staff, physicians, volunteers, patients, families, community members and health system partners who provided valuable insight and advice in shaping this Plan.
Click here to learn more, and view STEGH’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.